Hello, me and my Team are creating a digital learning platform.
We have stumbled upon the problem that the keyboard inputs, that are assigned to an action or movement get blocked while the player is typing into a textinput area inside a GUI. This is problematic as not only are actions mapped to enter and spacebar, but for some reason the movement directions are also mapped to the keys 1 2 3 and 4.
Is there a way to circumvent this?
I have thried removing the number keys from the input mapping in the node module, but then the player can't move at all. I also know that this is something that was not always the case, i don't know the exact version, but a few months prior this was not a problem.
From @rpgjs\common\lib\Input.js :
(function (Control) {
Control["Action"] = "action";
Control["Back"] = "back";
Control[Control["Up"] = 1] = "Up";
Control[Control["Down"] = 3] = "Down";
Control[Control["Right"] = 2] = "Right";
Control[Control["Left"] = 4] = "Left";
})(Control = exports.Control || (exports.Control = {}));